Are you looking for easy money on the net? This can be the solution. Paid To Click can give you a way to earn money by just clicking on advertising provided by the PTC. It's a simple way to get paid
Here is the method to earn online. just follow the instruction below
First of all you open a account on a inter bank like Alertpay Or Paypal
Make a account like Hotmail or Yahoo.
Alertpay Need ur identity Prove like ur ID-CARD.etc
Second Proof they want is confirm Ur Address so u can Submit Ur Bill.
Ones U make the account on alert pay then u make account on these sites to earn money.
I give u the link below Please Follow them.
Any Problem Just Contact me Through
If you're unable to understand the process goto 'STEPS TO START EARNING' in the left tab in this page.
Any Problem Just Contact me Through
If you're unable to understand the process goto 'STEPS TO START EARNING' in the left tab in this page.
Get paid! after you click an amount of clicks, you can withdraw the money that accumulate in your site account.To withdraw your money, simply click the "cash out" link in the Balance Information that located in "my status" page in all sites.There is a initial sum of money in all site that you can withdraw the money (1-15 dollar in most cases) you can see the payment info in every ptc site (in the main page most cases).
Get paid! after you click an amount of clicks, you can withdraw the money that accumulate in your site account.To withdraw your money, simply click the "cash out" link in the Balance Information that located in "my status" page in all sites.There is a initial sum of money in all site that you can withdraw the money (1-15 dollar in most cases) you can see the payment info in every ptc site (in the main page most cases).
However i havent tried but was told by my cousin that it is really preferable ...!!!